Seehoo Hospitality Marketing Platform


The single customer viewpoint marketing platform for the restaurant, pubs, bars and night club sector

Keep the most valuable aspects of your customer data all in one platform

Automatically delivers personalised offers based on real-time behavioural analysis

Rewards loyalty and increases word of mouth, drives up customer spend

Keeping customers coming back for more

Seehoo™ enables you to use your customer data to increase loyalty and drive an increase in customer value – automatically, and in real-time. Seehoo enables you to use your customer data to develop meaningful and valued relationships with your customers and to support marketing objectives. #loveyourpeople


Seehoo Restaurant Marketing Process

Integration with various customer touch points

Seehoo™ integrates with your existing platforms for data capture and insights:


  • Website: insights include pages visited (with date and time stamp) and sign-up from data capture forms (to campaigns and offers etc), measures booking drop offs etc.
  • Online booking platform (e.g. Resdiary, DesignMyNight): booker contact details, date booking was made, size of booking and date booking attended
  • Wifi (e.g. Vital Wifi, Wireless Social): login data from people logging onto the wifi network (find out about guests that aren’t the ones that book or pay)
  • EPOS (e.g. Aloha): to leverage a loyalty based programme, payer contact and payment value data.
  • Email marketing (e.g. Giraffemail Engage, Campaign Monitor, Mailchimp): opens, reads, click throughs, etc
  • Feedback System (e.g. Feeditback): Feedback gathered, not gathered, contact details, sentiment.
  • Voucher site (e.g. TravelZoo, Itison, Virgin Experiences) Import vouchers from third party promoters for use on  Event promotions, Cooking Schools and redemption
  • Social Advertising (e.g Facebook Advertising):  To promote timely messages to customers on Facebook and Instagram


Leveraging customer data

Any kind of behaviour modelling can be defined across the entire customer base to drive a range of loyalty benefits to increase spend and word of mouth marketing. Or ‘anti-loyalty’ benefits such as targeting people who have booked/visited in the past but have not booked recently.

Individual vouchers with barcodes created in Seehoo™ are an important part of the process because they provide:

  • Security (they can only be used once)
  • And their use can be measured 
Hospitality Marketing Dashboard

Automated marketing for restaurants

Some examples include

Who has visited six times in the last twelve months, but not in the last three months?

Automated Action: Personalised email and voucher with incentive to come back e.g. £10 off or free starter.

Rewards loyalty, encourages word of mouth, increases the chance of bringing these people back when they’re deciding where to go this weekend.

Who visits monthly, but only ever comes as a couple? 

Automated Action: Personalised email and voucher with incentive to make a group booking e.g. 20% off a party of six or more.

Leverages and rewards brand loyalty, encourages word of mouth. In this case a compelling reason for this loyal customer to bring friends or family.

Who has booked before, and has visited the website recently, but hasn’t made a booking? 

Automated Action: Real-time personalised email and voucher with incentive to book e.g. a free bottle of wine.

Identifies existing customers at a time when they are evaluating where to go for their next meal out, trying to tip the balance in your favour.

A cost-effective solution

Behavioural analysis and marketing automation has traditionally been expensive and only available to major players with in-house marketing teams, deep pockets and resources.

Seehoo™ has been designed with smaller operators in mind, to put you on a level playing field without costing an arm and a leg.

For more information

We’d love to show you how Seehoo™ can help you meet your restaurant marketing objectives. Please complete the enquiry form.

30 minute online demo. No hard sell. No obligations.

Case studies


Seehoo™, developed from our award-winning ‘Project Data’ platform, provides Chaophraya restaurants with the ability to see who is visiting their restaurants, how often and how big a group. Who is attending Events and Experiences, and who is taking up offers, loyalty rewards and providing feedback. Then automating many customer touch points to enable timely and relevant engagements.

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Read how Seehoo™ provides Wadworth and their marketing team communicate across 50+ pubs hotels, restaurants and online shop. Wadworth are now armed with the ability to see customer data in real-time, such as who is visiting their pubs and inns, how often and who's engaging with other aspects of the brand. Seehoo™ provides a single customer viewpoint and the automation of marketing activities. As well as enable Wadworth to roll out secure, barcoded engagement loyalty programme and targeted offers, with a low cost of investment in technology.

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Intelligent Sales CRM for Thai Leisure Group and Wadworth

Seehoo Hospitality Sales and Marketing

Read how Seehoo™ provides Thai Leisure Group and Wadworth with intelligent CRM. This year Thai Leisure Group and Wadworth expanded marketing and sales operations with a cost-effective real-time data collection, analysis and targeted marketing platform: leveraging customer data to support marketing objectives, increase loyalty and drive an increase in customer value using automated marketing and an intelligent CRM pipeline dashboards to provide reservations teams and business development managers with the ability to focus on key customer relationships.

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