Content marketing

Content-led marketing that delivers against business objectives

Successful Content Marketing is communicating the right message at the right time to your customers. In the modern digitally connected world it takes 7 to 12 messages to engage and convert 80% of your customers. Getting the Content Marketing plan right increases performance significantly and reduces cost.

Content Marketing, in a perfect world, should be the bridge that connects your marketing efforts to your sales process. With alignment in place and buy-in from all stakeholders, there will never be confusion over which content to serve at which phase in the buying/selection process.

Wisetiger Content Marketing Infographic

An accelerated approach to Content Marketing

At Wisetiger we've developed an accelerated approach to getting your Content Marketing Plan underway. Starting with a Content Marketing workshop we'll work with you and your team to define, plan and drive your content to achieve your marketing goals and business objectives.

We'll help implement the right set of tools and campaigns, with strong creative and technical strategies. This enables the production, publishing and sharing of your content to support the wider brief. Attracting targeted customers, engaging them into your sales process and converting them into customers.

Five steps to successful Content Marketing

Wisetiger Content Marketing Plan

Define Objectives, Technical Audit, Marketing Review, Healthcheck, Content Trend Analysis.

Set Goals and Targets, Fix Issues, Content Identity and Keyword Definition, Story Definition, Create Content Plan. 

Content Creation, Publishing, Distribution & Sharing. SEO and Keyword Optimisation. 

Check Off-site and On-site signals; Site Search Review, Search Arrival Review, Keyword Research, Google Trends, Industry News. 

A/B Split test; Landing Page & Email, Engagement Ad (PPC) Tests. Data Capture Improvements.

Do you need Content Marketing?

The internet, social media and mobile revolutions have changed the way we connect with the world, with a seamless flow of content and information at our fingertips. Traditional marketing techniques are no longer as effective as they used to be. Content is the present – and future – of marketing.

A well-planned and implemented Content Marketing plan will ensure that relevant, consistent and measurable content is created that will engage, convert and retain your target customers — and ultimately, drive an increase in performance against your business objectives.

Next steps?

Fill out the ‘Contact us’ form below. We'll get straight back to you. 


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