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All posts tagged advertising

Now that’s Pin-Spiration!

Pinterest is a fast growing social network, primarily focused on sharing imagery and videos. Just when you thought there was no more room for a New Social Media – Pinterest still managed to bring something new to the table.

Facebook logo

Ignore online advertising at your peril

Online advertising spend increases 27.5% in the last year – fuelled by a surge in Facebook ad spend Do you advertise online? Well if you don’t, there’s a good chance your competitors


Interflora and M&S Adwords battle continues

Marks & Spencer told to stop using the Interflora name as a search term in Google AdWords Back in 2009 I posted a blog about

Screen grab of Facebook advertising page

Facebook Leads Revitalisation of Digital Display Advertising

This recent story in The Guardian is very interesting, and is a fair reflection of the meteoric rise in social networking projects we are now undertaking for clients. It details how the popularity of Facebook is

Using your competitors’ brand name to get ahead in Google Adwords

How ethical is it for Marks & Spencer to use the Interflora as a search term in Google AdWords? Just take a look at the screen grab above… I did a Google search for