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SEO Content Planning

Content is for People not just for Search Engines…

This article is focused on giving insights into some interesting findings our Wisetiger SEO Team, part of our Content Service, has found over the last year. It has become clear that content is still a driving factor in getting stronger search results, meaning a calculated and innovative content strategy would be required to place you above competitors.

Focusing on Search Engines

Don’t get us wrong, a big part of the content you create should support the objective of gaining performance out of search results in search engines. However, it shouldn’t be the only driving force behind what you’re trying to achieve.

Let’s start at the beginning. Anything you create, whether it’s a News Article, Blog Post or Social Share, will have a key message that you’re trying to get across to the people reading it.

Here are the best practices, to writing compelling and shareable content:


As with all great strategies it’s always good to start with research – this can include looking into keywords people are searching for, seeing what related news articles are already online and even finding something unique to write about.

Content Plan & Optimising it for Search Engines:

Once you have established what you should target to make your content relevant, compelling and sharable, then you can plan the execution of that content. As well as writing well composed content, you should now start to consider the technical aspects of what makes it attractive to search engines and social media platforms. This means placing keywords in heading tags, writing strong Meta Data, good and thorough micro data as well as planning careful link building for related sections.

So how can this be negative?

The trouble comes if you were to over optimise the content. This can most commonly be seen when content becomes illegible or reads at an unnecessary high level. Some content can even read like a thesaurus was referenced the entire time. Other historic examples of over optimising would be keyword stuffing or creating links to content via non-relevant external sources.


Now you have created the content it’s important to distribute it across the web to maximise its exposure, such as posting a news article about your website or launching social media posts to showcase your site and even using external sources such as blogs to grow long term content.

Focusing on User Experience

The best approach for building content is to always keep the visitor or reader in mind. Creating a richer user experience will encourage people to engage with your content. Then in turn, it becomes more likely to be shared, bookmarked and remembered. We have found that understanding your target audience and writing content to accommodate this will have considerable impact on the success of your websites search performance.


It’s very important to make a plan for any type of content you create. Be sure not to over optimise and that your target audience is kept in mind when writing it. Ensure you deliver this across the web in a multi-channel approach to maximise sharing and long term link building to your website.

Wisetiger’s SEO programme is one of our Content Services which includes an education program for you and your key staff. This helps you understand how to plan your content, write it, consider the technical aspects, deploy it to your website and broadcast it through a multichannel strategy to get it onto other websites, social media and blogs.

For more information on SEO or if you’re interested in signing up to our SEO services then please call us on 01252 731330 or email


Tom Hood

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