Digital marketing to students Here at Wisetiger we work with a number of clients in the university student sector including CRM Students, Gradpad, CastleHill and Empiric Student Properties. Our work in this sector is focussed on increasing engagement and conversion of website visitors into student accommodation bookings. We’ve got a great track record of delivering successful digital marketing to students, so when we saw a survey of how students are using…
Wearable technology is increasing fast. With more than 485m devices expected to sell every year and a market worth $8.36bn by 2018 it’s an opportunity that Marketers can’t avoid. Wearables are widely predicted to be the most significant technology development since the smartphone, and their impact will be big. Here’s an overview of what wearable technology is and the opportunities that will present themselves…
To celebrate Solar Eclipse Day 2015 we’ve been thinking ‘visibility’ – and what this means for digital marketing! Here are some tips and insights for you to ponder as you gaze at the solar eclipse today…
Online Travel Agencies (OTAs) like Expedia and are responsible for a large proportion of online hotel room reservations but at the same time demand 10-15% in commission fees. Independent hotels are particularly OTA-dependent – on average, more than 42% of independent hotel rooms are reserved online but unfortunately, only 24% of these bookings come via the hotel website, while 76% percent are made…
It’s that time of the year again when the world looks forward to what might (or might not) happen next year! As Creative Director one of my pet topics is colour. And as luck would have it the good people at Pantone® have a team of professionals whose business it is to predict colour trends! And it’s big business too. In the world of…
The 2014 ShareThis Travel Study has just been published and makes interesting reading for anyone involved in hotel and leisure marketing. ShareThis collected data from its 52 million users recording more than 1.9 billion social posts. Incredibly it found that 10 percent of all shared content was related to the travel, hotel and holiday market – making this sector the most socially shared content on…
2013 has been an interesting year for logo updates. Keep the old logo? Throw it away and start again? Or evolve what you’ve already got?
As part of our regular review of school websites we’ve had a look at some design trends that are taking place in 2013.
As we approach the end of the year have you thought about your marketing plans for January 2013? The New Year is a critical time for marketing activity with people returning after the Christmas break filled with lots of New Year’s Resolve!
“Hotels with poorly designed websites will see a drop in profits” warn researchers. A recent article on the Hotelowner website highlights research by the University of Portsmouth which demonstrates a link